The Aromatic Garden, Exploring new ways to interactively interpret narratives combining olfaction and vision including temporal change of scents using olfactory display

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1) 東京国際フォーラム(TIFF)のホールEでブース展示 13件
(2021年12月15日-16日 10:00-18:00/ 12月17日 10:00-16:00 JST):

2) バーチャルプラットフォーム上でプレゼンテーション映像のオンデマンド配信 19件

3) ライブデモンストレーションとQ&Aセッション 19件
- 海外からの6件のライブセッションの様子は、TIFF会場ホールE内のリモートブースに生配信されます。
- TIFF会場ホールEにブース展示されている13件については、それぞれのセッション時間(1時間)のみ該当ブースをクローズします。

Description: Nakamoto Laboratory (Tokyo Institute of Technology) present a multi-sensory olfactory game, ‘The Aromatic Garden’, offering a unique user experience through the combination of new olfactory technology and art. Players must use their sense of smell to navigate and collect scents, presenting an engaging and challenging experience.

Saya Onai, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
Nathan Cohen, The University of Arts London, United Kingdom
Takamichi Nakamoto, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Saya Onai received the B.E. degree and pursuing the M.E. degree in information and computer engineering with the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.

Nathan Cohen - Interests: Art, science, technology and well-being, olfaction, perception, interactive installation, transdisciplinary collaboration. An artist and educator engaged in transdisciplinary research in collaboration with scientists, including olfaction, memory and visual perception, with recent collaborative projects in Japan including: Olfactory Art, Science and Well-Being Research (Tokyo Institute of Technology, WRHI Visiting Professor) and Retro-Reflective Projection interactive installation (Tachi Lab @ Tokyo University; Keio University, Visiting Researcher). The painted constructions and installations exhibited internationally explore ambiguities in interpretation of space, including site specific artworks that challenge spatial perception in architectural environments.

Takamichi Nakamoto received his B.E. and M.E. degrees in 1982 and 1984, respectively, and his Ph.D. degree in electrical and electronic engineering from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan. He worked for Hitachi from 1984 to 1987. In 1987, he joined Tokyo Institute of Technology as a Research Associate. In 1993, he became an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology. From 1996 to 1997, he was a Visiting Scientist at Pacific Northwest Laboratories, Richland, WA, USA. He is currently a Professor with Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
