Birds of a Feather
Full Access
Onsite Student Access
Onsite Experience
Virtual Electronic Theater Ticket
Virtual Full Access
Virtual Basic Access
Submission Deadline: 2 October 2021, 23:59 UTC/GMT
Birds of a Feather (BOF) sessions at SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 are graphics-related, attendee-organized, informational discussions of shared interests, goals, technologies, arts and/or backgrounds. Those sessions are to focus on topics that are relevant to computer graphics or interactive techniques community, celebrating, connecting and enabling new collaborations.
Open Exploration
Share your ideas and interests by proposing a Birds of a Feather discussion topic that will be held at SIGGRAPH Asia 2021.
To be considered, BOF sessions must be:
- Related to computer graphics or interactive techniques
- Open to all registered attendees
- Non-commercial in nature (topics specific to one commercial product or company are not allowed)
- Free of recruitment, sales, product tutorials or company promotion
- Free of charge
All BOF requests are subject to a review and approval process. Submissions are open now till 2 October 2021.
General Information
A BOF meeting is an attendee-organized, informational discussion of shared interests, goals, technologies and/or backgrounds that are graphics or interactive techniques related. The key word there is “discussion” - attendees gather to discuss a topic of interest, and is up to organizers to define the format.
BOF meetings must be:
- Related to computer graphics or interactive techniques
- Open to all registered attendees
- Non-commercial in nature (topics specific to one commercial product or company are not allowed)
- Free of recruitment, sales, product tutorials or company promotion
- Free of charge
All BOF requests are reviewed and approved by the Conference Chair. Exceptions will be considered for reunion-type or industry non-profit groups for some requirements.
Session Submission
BOF session requests can be made through the SIGGRAPH Asia Submission System until 2 October 2021. Please ensure that all the information in your submission is complete. Any missing information may delay processing your request.
A separate online request form must be filled out for each event, even if it is from the same submitter/organization.
BOF sessions can be no longer than two hours.
Organizers of longer events, or those who submit multiple requests for the same day for more than three hours, should consider becoming a co-located conference.
If your request is approved, you will receive an email acknowledgment within two weeks that includes all necessary contact information.
Event Publication
All BOF event information will be published on the SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 website and the conference mobile app.
Exhibitors are not allowed to use BOF platform. Exhibitors are required to complete an exhibitor talk form provided by exhibition management.
Registration & Recognition Benefits
You will need to register for a basic conference pass, one 10% discount code will be given per accepted submission.
If you have questions, please send them to このメールアドレスはスパムボットから保護されています。閲覧するにはJavaScriptを有効にする必要があります。
株式会社ポリゴン・ピクチュアズ CEO
Video Presentations
As SIGGRAPH Asia would be a Hybrid event, a video presentation will be a prerequisite for all submissions. Depending on the requirements of your program, a pre-recorded video presentation or supplementary video will be used and presented at SIGGRAPH Asia. This will allow your work to gain extensive coverage and give our global community the opportunity to learn about your submission.
- Log in to the SIGGRAPH Asia Submission System
- Select "Begin a New Submission"
- Select "Create" for the Birds of a Feather submission form
General Submission Policies
For more details on SIGGRAPH Asia’s General Submission Policies, please go to SIGGRAPH Asia’s Submission Information page.
All deadlines are 23:59 UTC/GMT.
2 October 2021
Submission Deadline
14 - 17 December 2021
SIGGRAPH Asia 2021
ACM SIGGRAPH strives to create a welcoming and nurturing community for everyone working in computer graphics and interactive techniques independent of gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, religion, country of origin, or abilities. Work submitted to this program should be in alignment with these values.
For any submission to an ACM SIGGRAPH conference or Standing Committee activity, the person in charge (PIC) of the program should be aware of and sensitive to potential issues pertaining to the ACM SIGGRAPH values of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. If an issue is identified, then the authors of the submission shall be asked to modify their submission to resolve the issue before acceptance. If the PIC is unsure if there is an issue, then they should contact the Chair of the DEI Committee for advice.