Exhibitor Talks
- Full Access
- Onsite Student Access
- Onsite Experience
- Virtual Full Access
- Virtual Basic Access
Product updates and detailed hands-on presentations that introduce attendees to the latest developments in product innovation. In these sessions, participating companies introduce their latest developments; demonstrate software, hardware, and systems; answer questions; and talk about how their applications improve professional and technical performance.
Exhibitor Talkでは皆さまにプロダクトイノベーションにおける最新の製品/サービスをご紹介します。各セッションでは、多彩なソフトウェア、ハードウェア、システムの最新の動向やそれらのアプリケーションがどのように。プロフェッショナルで技術的なパフォーマンスを向上させるかを紹介します。シーグラフアジアならではの魅力溢れるこの機会をお見逃しなく。
*A mix of live and pre-recorded presentations. Please click on the above ‘View Exhibitor Talks Schedule’ for the live sessions’ timing. All other sessions without date/time are accessible on-demand in the virtual platform from 6 December 2021 to 11 March 2022, unless otherwise specified.