Frisson Waves: Sharing Frisson to Create Collective Empathetic Experiences for Music Performances
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All 19 presentations are accessible on-demand in the virtual platform from 6 December 2021 to 11 March 2022.
Out of which, 13 Emerging Technologies will have physical exhibits onsite in Hall E, Tokyo International Forum from 15 - 17 December 2021.
Live demonstrations and Q&As for the respective presentations will be taking place at the specified Date/Time below.
Description: Frisson is a mental experience of body reactions such as shivers, tingling skin, and goosebumps. However, this sensation is not shareable with others and is rarely used in live performances. We propose Frisson Waves, a real-time system to detect, trigger and share frisson in a wave-like pattern during music performances.
Yan He, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Japan
George Chernyshov, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Japan
Dingding Zheng, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Japan
Jiawen Han, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Japan
Ragnar Thomsen, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Japan
Danny Hynds, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Japan
Yuehui Yang, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Japan
Yun Suen Pai, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Japan
Kai Kunze, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Japan
Kouta Minamizawa, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design, Japan
Postdoc at grad shool of Media Design, Keio University, Japan.
PhD. student at Keio University Graduate school of Media Design
PhD. student at Keio University Graduate school of Media Design
Experienced game designer and researcher. Currently PhD student at Keio University Graduate School of Media Design.
Danny Hynds is a composer, creative technologist, and visual artist from the US. His work explores the ways in which sound can be used as an emotional and affective tool in responsive public artworks. He also produces electronic music as Spectral Violet.
Institution: Keio University Graduate School of Media Design Yuehui Yang is a versatile composer and multi-instrumentalist in concert, film and electronic media. Focusing on film scoring and music interaction, Yuehui had collaborated with many talented young filmmakers, animators and designers.
Yun Suen Pai is currently an assistant professor at the Embodied Media Laboratory, Keio University Graduate School of Media Design. He obtained his Bachelors Degree in Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing Engineering, as well as Masters Degree in Engineering Sciences at the University of Malaya, Malaysia. Then, he proceeded to obtain his Ph.D. in Media Design at Keio University, Japan and furthered his postdoc research at the Empathic Computing Laboratory, Auckland, New Zealand. His research interest is the effects of VR/AR/MR towards human behavior, perception and learning using physiological signals and artificial intelligence.
Kai Kunze works as Professor at the Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University, Yokohama, Japan where he leads an interdisciplinary research group “Geist”, focusing on Augmented Humans and applied Wearable Computing research. Together with Prof. Thad Starner (Georgia Tech) and Prof. Kristof Van Laerhoven (Siegen University), he serves as the co-chair of the International Wearable Computing Academic Research Community. Previously, he held an Assistant Professorship working for Prof. Koichi Kise at Osaka Prefecture University, Japan. He received his Ph.D. from Passau University, Germany.
Kouta MINAMIZAWA, Ph.D, Professor at Keio University Graduate School of Media Design Received his PhD in Information Science and Technology from the University of Tokyo in 2010, he directs the KMD Embodied Media Project, where conduct research on technology, design and social deployment of haptics and embodied interaction to transfer, enhance and create the human bodily experiences, and organizes research projects on Haptic Design, Superhuman Sports, and Sports Co-creation. He also serves as a Project Manager of JST Moonshot R&D Program, Executive Director of the Superhuman Sports Society, and Technical Advisor at Telexistence Inc.